The founding purpose of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller when it was established by the Blessed Brother Gerard in the 11th century continues in the 21st century.

As provided by the motto of the Order: Pro Fide, Pro Utilitate Hominum (For Faith For Service to Humanity), the Priories and Commanderies of the Order around the world work to provide for the sick, the poor and the needy.

As was the case when the Order was established, not all charitable works of the Order may be expressed in terms of money but at least Euro 3.3M € has been contributed by the Order in the last two years. Charitable works and projects undertaken or supported by the Priories and Commanderies, and donations to assist people in difficult circumstances in many parts of the world, include the following examples:

  • An OSJ International Project contributed Euro 78,000 € (and still counting) towards the building of a community centre and houses with goats and banana and vegetables plantation within two St. John’s Villages in the Gitega area (Burundi), to empower the Batwa people and to give them self-sustainability and a registered citizenship. ( The Official inauguration of the Saint John’s Village in Mwogo is scedled for September 2023.
  • The Malta Priory has supported several organisations and charities and over the last few years.  For example, the Priory has provided financial assistance towards caring for abandoned babies, supporting immigrants and their families including through the provision of education and other necessities, working with a Church to provide services to poor people in slum areas in Malta, helping ex-prisoners to reintegrate into society, and helping the poor and people in need in other ways.
  • The Grand Priory of Benelux has made significant contributions in several areas. These include assisting children who are financially disadvantaged, supporting the provision of kits to help people with autism to gain employment, making a funding contribution to building works for a centre for adults with mental disability, helping flood victims in South Belgium, donations of toys and school materials to assist children with mental disabilities, and donations of clothing to people in poor circumstance.
  • The OSJ Priory of the Low Countries has also been working with like-minded partners to support extremely poor people in a village in Burundi by working to build sustainable houses, which is making a significant difference to people’s lives and providing a nationwide model project to assist people who live in extremely poor and marginalised conditions. The Priory of Flanders has had a programme assisting children with homework, to eat together and have time for sports, games, and friendship, helped the victims of the Wallonia floods and building works for a centre for adults with mental disabilities. 
  • A major initiative by the Low Counties Commandery of Slype-Caestre has involved supporting children living in poverty in Coimbatore, India to receive potentially life-changing care and education through the work of the Tripura Foundation. The first batch of students in 2023 of computer training  have received their well-earned certificate passing their exams with flying colours.
  • The Commandery of St Sunniva of the Nordic Priory is involved in a range of charitable and support activities, which include supporting cancer patients and families affected by cancer in its local area and working to raise funds and provide resources to children caught up in the war in the Ukraine especially through the provision of emergency aid.
  • The Americas Grand Priory has made a great number of donations to assist people in need across a wide spectrum, including for hurricane relief, campaigns against hunger, support for a haven for women and children, support for the homeless, support for a home for the aged, support for a centre providing social services, medical and dental care, vision assistance and mental health care to people who are disadvantaged, uninsured or unable to obtain essential services in any other way, and support for families in urgent need in Ukraine.
  • The Grand Priory of Australasia has supported a variety of causes, including a hospice that provides palliative care for the terminally ill (contributing over €350,000 over the last 30 years), bushfire recovery, support for children of offenders, financial support to assist destitute people and welfare recipients, assisting with meals programs, working against child sexual abuse, and supporting programs for sport for young disabled athletes’ Australasia has also been assisting the Papua New Guinea Cancer Relief Society, Lae, New Guinea, with practical assistance by supporting a nutrition program which enables the purchase of suitable food for cancer patients.  This is making a real difference to many underprivileged people in difficult circumstances.
  • The Priory of Sicily has provided funds to a variety of causes, including to purchase medical devices and equipment and to support poor families.